Accessibility | Espace CDPQ


The website provides content that complies with priority accessibility standards so that all users can properly see, understand, navigate and interact with the site.  

To ensure the compliance of its site, espace cdpq designed and modified its site based on certain universal requirements and hired a specialized firm to conduct formal and functional tests using the tools listed below.

Description of the rules implemented to ensure the site's compliance

→    The page titles describe their content
→    Navigation and access to all functions can be done using the keyboard
→    The mechanisms for navigation and presentation are consistent from page to page
→    Content on each page is accessible using a direct link
→    Section titles present a consistent structure hierarchy
→    Texts are written in plain language
→    Informational images provide replacement text
→    Links provide labels to facilitate navigation
→    Colour contrasts foster better readability
→    Language changes are correctly signposted
→    Several ways to access the content are provided: menus and search engines 
→    Colour alone is never used to provide information